
Marketing agency / Service #1

Marketing agency

Website development, Landing-page
Personal site
Business card website
Online store
Improvement services

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Company / Service #2

We suggest you use our “Accounting controlling ” service - and significantly increase the profit of your business.

Main steps:

Initial activity analysis.
Development of a strategy, tactics and plan of transformation.
Collaboration to change operational activities.
Training staff and changing their motivation and involvement.
Developing a value proposition.
Regular audit of implementation results.
Adjustment of implementation plans.

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Private business/ Service #3

For all cardholders, a discount of up to 10% on services.
Private entrepreneur, individual entrepreneur. Do not think of this product or service as your third favorite, think of it as a bronze medalist in the Olympic medal of stripping excellent products / services. Our implementation experience confirms that it is possible to achieve 100-300% profit growth in for 4-5 years. We have gained experience in transforming companies with sales growth of 30-80% per year and profits up to 300%.

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Your UBI GL Club

UBI GL Club is a team of experienced, talented and successful professionals in the following areas: real estate, Finance, marketing, immigration, tourism, legislation, franchising, business development.

Each participant, cooperating with the Business Club, will get what he is interested in first of all:new acquaintances, market, information, additional sources, help.

The Club can be joined by owners, business leaders and only at the invitation of existing members, Administration or Representatives of the Club. The representative of the Club can take part in meetings of members and representatives of the Club in different countries of the world The representative interacts with successful people and grows with them.


Accounting controlling

Accounting consulting on accounting, reporting and payment of taxes .We will help you to prepare accounting and tax reports. This is a great opportunity to find the right solution for certain tasks without expanding your staff.

Audit of Companies

Audit of SMALL companies   1000$.

Audit of MEDIUM companies  2000$.

Audit of LARGE companies   5000$.


+7706 409-4588

+960 951-9488